Over the last year I have tried to be a more dutiful blogger and have since learned that I rather enjoy it. I appreciate being able to look back over the memories and I do truly like sitting and getting my thoughts out on "paper". That being said, I hope that 2012 is full of many blogposts as well. (At least my mother, sister, and a few stragglers here and there can still enjoy it right?)
To recap the holidays, I must focus on how absolutely beautiful Christmas seems to a child. Although Miles is still just mirroring his brother's every move, Carter is INTO Christmas 110%. Watching him "live" the magic of Christmas was better than any gift (including the Ninja 5000-I returned, thanks honey), I could ever have received. His favorite gifts this year were a space station "Just what I've always wanted!" and a new red, big kids bike, with pedals, from Santa, "Just what I've always wanted!". Miles also received oodles of gifts but his favorite things were the boxes and ribbon. However, we enjoyed the formula and diapers the most.
At Christmas Eve service during one of the last hymns, Carter leaned over to me and whispered, " I would like to eat lunch at Bob's now". Those of you who are traditional Etna United Methodist Church goers, get this joke, but those who are virgin EUMCer's should know that no trip to church is complete without lunch at Bob's Ranch House. Even though it was way past lunch time and Christmas eve, Carter still wanted a trip to Bob's.
I thought all of the fun was to be had after Christmas, but I had yet to experience New Year's Eve through the eyes of a two year old. I took down the Christmas decorations and Carter was quite sad, so I chose to make an elaborate New Year's display on the table. This got him very excited and it made Bradley and I want to stay home with our kids even more. I decided that we would be spending quite a few New Year's at home and that I better start our own traditions. I decided that homemade pizza, including homemade beer dough, was a must. I also thought it would be fun to look at a slideshow of our pictures throughout the year. Along with the pizza I served champagne and "special juice/sparkling cider". I found a onesie with a bowtie sewn on it for Miles and Carter wore a nice red bowtie along with the pj's I had indulgently allowed him to wear all day. (Insert Mother of the Year Award here). As the boys enjoyed pizza and "special juice" they also enjoyed playing with the noisemakers. I enjoyed my champagne and Bradley and our friend Steve partook in their culinary efforts that had produced some homemade "apple pie" earlier that day. Carter really enjoyed the photos and his daddy capped off the year with some nice illegal fireworks. The beauty of New Year's through the eyes of a child is that they don't know the difference between the ball dropping on TV at 9pm or at 12am. I'll let you guess as to which time we went to bed.
As I look towards 2012, I can't help but feel extremely fortunate for being blessed with my beautiful little family. I feel grateful to have a wonderful job, a loving husband, an exceptional network of family and friends, and to live in Scott Valley. This next year I am excited having a three year old and a one year old (God please help them get along), season two of Oak Hill Gardens and Pumpkin Patch, watching Ness graduate with a Masters in Texas, and running the NYC marathon in November.