Start last weekend the stomach flu invaded our home. By Wednesday morning, Miles was vomiting all over me and I had to call in a sub. Mid-day Wednesday I was vomiting all over Miles. Not really, I made it to the toilet, but it was a close call. Wednesday evening Bradley was . . . you get the picture. Without my mom, I think our kids would have gone into protective services on Thursday which was actually Miles' 2nd birthday. We were so sick, it was all we could do to open an eyelid to make sure that Mickey Mouse Clubhouse was still playing and that both children were accounted for. Luckily my mom was able to take Carter to music class for a bit and to her house for a couple of hours. Just when we though it couldn't get any worse I went to get some water from the sink to sanitize another vomit pile and I realized we had NO water. Bradley fought off chills and nausea all day to help the pump people figure out why our pump was not working. LOOOONNNG story short, he sunk a t-post into an upper line of conduit and caused an electrical problem.
By Friday we were all at work and I was only rollling at about 70%. I told my students my troubles that morning and every mistake I made they replied, "It's okay Mrs. Isbell, 70%!" I LOVE MY JOB!
Believe it or not, me we made it to the big party on Saturday. I had advertised a HUGE bubble party and by golly I had to pull it off. By the grace of Costco, my mom, my mother-in-law, my sister, and Andrew, we made it happen. We hosted roughly 40-50 people on a beautiful sunny day in the back lawn. Bradley manned the grill and I manned the bubbles. The kids had a really great time and Miles seemed to enjoy having all of his friends over at his house.
After a nap and some clean-up we headed over to the 2nd birthday party of the weekend. Bradley stayed behind to finish the clean-up and it's a good think he did because our burn pile spontaneously combusted into flames. Ironically enough, my dad a few problems with out of control fires and I honestly think he might have had something to do with this.
Sunday morning came and all of us decided to start the morning with a hike. None of us wanted to sit around on the anniversary of Dad's death feeling sorry for ourselves, so we decided to go on a hike behind the house to a cell-phone tower. The hike was really beautiful and we could see the entire Scott Valley, as well as Mt. Shasta and the Marble Mountains. However, as I was packing Carter part of the way and Bradley was packing Miles, we realized that there was no way in hell dad would ever have gone on the hike. He would have insisted on just watching the boys at home while we all hiked.
In order to go full circle on this post, I will report that my sister left tonight after vomiting several times. Despite our three full bleach sanitization efforts on the house in the past week, she caught something. We all tried to eat a nice meal, have a few shots of tequila, and call it a night, but poor Ness was a bit sick.
"My momma said, ' There'd be days like this' ".
Last but not least, here is Miles' 2nd b-day interview:
What is your name?
Fave Food?
Cereal and Mac and Cheese
Who is your brother?
He goes to Nene's, Carter Bear
Clara, Owen, Nene
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Soccer ball
Grow up?
Cowboy, shovel