There are no perfect families. There are no perfect parents. There are no perfect people. I wasn't raised by perfect parents, and I am not a perfect child. I am not a perfect parent and I know I won't raise perfect children. If I strive for perfection every day, I will be disappointed often.
I won't always say the perfect things, I won't make the perfect dinners, and I won't always be the perfect wife. My husband won't be the perfect mate. Our marriage won't be perfect. My kids will see imperfections. As much as I strive for perfection, they won't be raised in a perfect bubble.
I will comfort them when they are sad, nurture them daily, and provide them with opportunities. I will fess up when I make a mistake, and help them learn from their own. I can't dwell on my imperfections, for I would rather focus my energy on being better. Not perfect, just improved.
No one bounces back from the lows immediately, but they usually reach a new high if they learn from their imperfections. I am not perfect, I make mistakes, I fall down, get up, and always try harder the next time.
I strive to be grateful for everything in my life. It's a balance of aiming for perfection, while still maintaining the wisdom and the grace to appreciate all that you have.
Life has a tendency of testing you. When stress is high I feel the need to come back to what is most important to me in my life. In reflecting on my imperfections yesterday I focus on my family. It may not have been the perfect day to go, the perfect morning preparing, or the perfect conditions, or the perfect timing, or the perfect activity, but the moments in these pictures were pretty perfect.
Miles may think that eggs come from the Easter Bunny, and Carter might believe too much in his own baseball and Samurai Power Ranger skills, but I rest easy in all of my imperfections knowing that I give my best every day in my perfectly imperfect life.