Even the first letter of the month of October is round. Between soccer, the pumpkin patch, canning, exercise induced injuries, and a plethora of other activities, this month is quite round.
Carter started playing soccer this last week. He will proudly state that he is on the Scott Valley Yellowjackets, and no the team does not refer to the amount of little blonde-headed boys wearing the yellow jerseys. Carter scored his first goal ever last week and was VERY proud of himself. The all-boy team has yet to win a game, but they sure do have a lot of fun. I asked Carter the other night about why he doesn't get in the middle of the other kids when the ball is close and he said, "Mom, I just don't want to hurt anyone." I think I actually sighed aloud in admiration when these words were uttered. Can't beat that.
The Pumpkin patch is off to a full-swing. We have stocked both local grocery stores, the feed store, and have already had two field trips. This weekend we harvested several thousand pounds of beautiful pumpkins. Some are round, some are pink, some small, and some HUGE. Either way it is a lot of fun and worth the tremendous amount of work. Everyone seems to find the perfect pumpkin. Thanks to Facebook's pretty sweet advertising system, I was able to get rid of almost all of our Giant pumpkins this weekend. This means that the nice pig-farmer that comes at the end of the season won't have to have back surgery when he is busy moving out the huge pumpkins.
Last weekend I canned over 100 pounds of perfectly round and delicious tomatoes. Bradley was off hunting and I was able to preserve some of our harvest. I am really looking forward to the ease of adding them to meals all year long.
About a month ago I decided that I needed a challenge and I took part in a 106 mile bike ride. It was supposed to only be 103 miles, but that's another story involving weary bike riders, a huge Liquor Store, and a brown bag of Bud Light Lime. Apparently, I am not 21 anymore and my round knee has been recuperating every since. Thanks to some rest, acupuncture, and excellent round balls of a Chinese tincture, I am back to running again.
Speaking of round, Miles seems to feel the need lately to repeat the same joke over, and over, and over, and over again. The same round of Knock-Knock, involving an animal and poop. The little man has taken to peeing on the potty when it suits him, but still refuses to use the facilities for number two. It's a process, or rather a cycle.
As we continue to round out our month in pumpkins and soccer, we are once again reminded of the fragility of life. We never know who we may influence or how our lives may tie into each other down the line. As I met more and more people at the patch today I was amazed at how past occasions, weave their way into current events. People may never remember what we said to them, but they will always remember how we made them feel. I continue this circle of life with my kids, in the month of all things round, and try to be continually grateful for all I have and purposeful in all I do.