Well, it's been a Christmas season of firsts. I won the first place overall female in the 1st ever Ugly Sweater Run held in Yreka.
Carter won first place in the mounted division in the Fort Jones' Christmas parade, and the boys took first place in the cuteness award at the holiday dance recital.
It was also the first time ever since Bradley and I have been together that we have just stayed home on Christmas day. Finally, it's only the first day after Christmas and I have the tree down, all of the presents put away, and almost all of the decor boxed up.
While it was a season of Christmas firsts, it was also the longest time we have ever celebrated. Starting with the Polar Express the weekend before Thanksgiving meant that our tree would be left to a bare trunk by Christmas Day. I was a little concerned that the boys would be upset that I hastily removed Christmas from the house, as I often get a little sad when the big day is over, but Carter just replied "No mom, Christmas is over."

It was a Christmas season filled with family activities and I loved every minute of it. From riding to the North Pole, to watching the gingerbread cowboy ride his pony and exclaim "Merry Christmas", to not being sure what Miles would do on stage, - it was a wonderful season. Carter even went on his first date. With his Grandma Nene - to a big-band Christmas concert. He got all dressed up, wore his grandpa's cowboy hat, and even took out money from his piggy bank to buy some popcorn for Nene.

Since becoming a mom and "doing" Christmas I now realize how much work it all is. Between planning, shopping, making lists, wrapping, prepping food, organizing costumes, gifting, and making sure that my own classroom Christmas celebrations are in order, it's no wonder that I wanted the tree down today. Hours and hours and hours of preparation and all over in a few days. On top of the regular Christmas "stuff", I now had to plan a meal and make sure that is was edible and timed correctly. Turns out that dinner was a delicious and beautiful. The table was surrounded by my sister, mom, Bradley, the boys, and my friend Anna.
Around 11pm, when the dishwasher had been emptied for the third time, the counters cleaned for the tenth time, and the stainless steel appliances wiped for the 100th time that day, my wonderful husband took me aside, hugged me and told me what a wonderful job I had done making Christmas so special. Truthfully, despite all of my hours of labor over the last month, the Christmas Spirit had not quite hit me until that moment.
Miles' first time on the big stage made a HUGE impression on many, including him. He told me the first night before going to bed, "Mom, I LOVE the stage!. Boy, can you tell! While it was a season of Christmas firsts, I certainly feel as blessed as ever. It was the perfect Isbell Family Christmas, and it won't be the last.