What is your name? Miles John Isbell
What is your favorite color? Green and Brown
What do you want to be when you grow up? A mean Batman
Who is your best friend? Clara and Carter
What is your favorite food? Mac and Cheese, carrots, grapes, and chicken legs.
What is your favorite thing to do? Help my daddy.
Who is your favorite animal? Maggie my dog.
What is one thing you don't like? I don't like taking naps.
What can you do now that you are a big boy? Help daddy, go pee when I stand up.
What was your favorite part of Disneyland? The tractor ride.
Where do you like to go to eat? My treehouse.
Miles's birthday has been a bit of a two-week long adventure. It started with Lightning McQueen cupcakes with his friends at Eileen's. No, I did not make these, but instead hired the very talented Scott Valley Sweets - Shelley Whipple.
That same day we picked up the boys in the early afternoon and jetted off to Sacramento where we caught a quick flight down to LA. Around midnight we managed to secure our rental car and drive off to my Hotwire destination. It wasn't close to the park, but you can't beat a Hilton for $65 a night. Along the way we discovered a very intense detour on the 405. I think we made it into bed at 2am and the boys were raring to hit California Adventure/Cars Land at 7am.

The next day we hit Disneyland. Sadly, there is NO booze to be found, at least not in the easily accessible ways in which one might find it at CA Adventure. We are not just boozy parents pushing our kids around amusement parks, but I will tell you that we were very easy going parents admist thousands of aggressive tourists, at least the first day. All drinking jokes aside, we had a blast. It was magical, fun, stimulating, and Carter was able to go on nearly every ride. The kids didn't complain once and everything was very magical.

The birthday celebration continued on Easter when the family all celebrated both Miles's and Shelby's birthdays. The weather was beautiful, food bountiful, and loving family around.
As Easter has come and gone and another new Spring is upon us, it brings about reflection. We've lived in our home for five years now, dad has been gone two, but the cycle still continues. I think Miles is right, we will focus less on growing up, but instead of on growing our roots even further down.