Technically, the interview happened one week and a day after the actual birthday, but I feel it's pretty accurate.

What is your name? M - I - L - E - S
What is your favorite color? Green
What do you want to be when you grow up? A grown up
Who is your best friend? All of them. Like Savi, Savina, Clara, Adrian, Ella, Brady, my brother is my best, best, friend.
What is your favorite food? Basghetti and Mac and Cheese
What is your favorite thing to do? Help my daddy.
Who is your favorite animal? Rocky our horse.
What is one thing you don't like? Sushi
What can you do now that you are a big boy? Listen and help.
What was your favorite part of your trip to San Francisco? Opening my presents.
Where do you like to go to eat? The pub.
Instead of a party, we took off to San Francisco for Miles' 4th birthday. After a LOOOONNNGGG tball game on Thursday evening, we took off in the Subaru. The boys woke up just in time to go over the Bay Bridge under the lights. We awoke Friday morning, ordered some chocolate milk from room service, and enjoyed a nice breakfast (read pancakes and bloody Marys).
From there we hopped on a Big Red Bus and began our whirlwind day. The first stop was in Chinatown. Armed with $20 each, they made some interesting purchases in the trinket filled shops. For Miles it was a Golden Crystal and a tiny Thimble. Carter chose a Ninja costume. Packing our new treasures along with us, we took in more sights from high in the sky and ended up at the Wharf for lunch. We wrapped up our time at the wharf with sea lion sightings and street performers. A small nap for all of us made sure we were prepped for the Giant's game.

Bradley scored sweet seats for Friday evening, only 11 rows behind the Giant's bullpen. This seating was ominous as we were able to watch at least four pitchers warm up. It was a terrible game - Giant's lost 0-9, but the fireworks at the end were nice. By the end of the game, the bright lights of the stadium were triggering a headache for me. Unfortunately, this morphed into the worst migraine I've ever had. I had no medication on me, but our insurance allows for a doctor to phone in a prescription. This was good in that I was able to get it under control, but unfortunately the prescription was sent to what would nicely be described as the ghetto. Bradley had the boys with him and chalked it up as another cultural experience.

We made a trip to the hotel pool before heading down to the Ferry building for some lunch. A ride on an old street car was enjoyable. We made our way back down to the wharf where the highlight of the afternoon was some time at the arcade. This was NOT the adults' highlight, but the kids enjoyed it. Another nap was enjoyed before we took off for Miles' fancy birthday dinner. Our restaurant was overlooking the water, Miles got to enjoy basghetti, and the kids were well behaved. I brought some party hats, a number four candle, and we got to sing to the birthday boy. After we finished dinner we walked down to the beach. Miles let a homeless man know it was his birthday, and the man replied with, "Happy Birthday to you, put a bill in my shoe". This jingle is still being sung at least once a day, a week later. We walked further down and found some live music in a restaurant. Miles danced away for over an hour in front of people he didn't know. What a way to cap off your birthday evening!

Sunday morning was full of surprises. We walked on the Golden Gate Bridge and took a tour of the Jelly Belly factory. Carter was adventurous and tried "booger" and "stinky socks" flavored Jelly Beans.

The birthday celebration rounded out on Monday when Miles enjoyed a pinata and cupcakes with his friends at Eileen's. I really can't believe that he is four years old. I do believe it was an amazing birthday for Miles, and our whole family. You can't put a price of life experiences, that is of course unless it's your birthday and you need to place a bill in a homeless man's shoe.