There's something very promising about an extra day in February every four years. It's expected and guaranteed. I have two good friends, identical twins to be exact, who will officially turn eight years old tomorrow. I've always thought that there was something extra "lucky" about how they happened to be born on Leap Day. While I run I enjoy listening to Podcasts, and I recently listened to an entire piece from the Freakonomics channel detailing the history and potential trouble caused by Leap Day. Anywho, the twins aren't the only ones celebrating a birthday soon. Carter will turn the lucky number seven on Tuesday. I've come to realize that I can't turn the clock back. No matter how much I beg him, he won't stop growing up. As is tradition, I sat down with him this morning and interviewed him.
Name: Carter Isbell
What is your favorite thing to do? Play baseball and football and build Legos.
Who is your best friend? Miles, Aidan Stewart, and Wyatt and Finn
Favorite Superhero? Batman
Favorite Color? Red
Favorite Toy? Legos
Favorite Food? Mac and Cheese, Pizza, Tacos, Mom's French Dip Sandwich, and Dad's pork ribs
Favorite Drink? 7-UP
Perfect Day? Going up the ranch and shooting and relaxing on the couch with my family.
What do you want to be when you grow up? I want to work at Scott Valley Disposal with my dad.
What will you miss about being six? I will miss being younger.
What are you looking forward to about being seven? I look forward to being able to ride a bigger dirt bike.
What are you really good at? I am good at sports. I am good at throwing in football. I am good at fielding in baseball. I am really good at turning in skiing. I can ride my bike with my mom when she runs for six miles.
What are your chores? I help take out the trash, and sometimes feed my horse. I feed and water my dog Mary.
What makes a good person? A good person sets a good example and is kind to others.
Favorite thing to watch? Unnecessary Roughness and Mission Impossible
What is your favorite thing about school? I like reading and math.
Something you can work on? I could do a better job with chores and be nicer to my brother.
Anything you'd like to add about yourself? Well, I treat everybody nicely.

I've recapped birth - sixth birthday and feel that each picture captures part of his personality. Carter is an "old soul"with a kind heart. He's determined, smart, creative, inquisitive, helpful, and loving. We feel so lucky to be his parents (even though lately, he seems to think he's the parent). Carter is a natural big-brother and loves to work with his dad. This last weekend he got upset with me when I told him he wasn't allowed to use the power saw to construct a jump for his mini-bike. "Mom, if I can split kin-il-ing, I can surely use a power saw!"
Thank you for making our lives and the world a better place Carter! We love you to the moon and back a bazillion times.