Wednesday, June 15, 2016


In a legitimate attempt to mimic/pardoy Adam Sandler's attempt to merge Christmas and Hanukkah.  . .  I give you the marriage of Bradley's birthday and Father's Day.  Lately, the boys and I have taken to calling him Clark because we do believe that he's the last true family man.  No offense to my legions of faithful male/father blog followers (all three of you), but my man's got you beat.

Bradley consistently puts everyone else's needs in front of his own.  This spring he's co-coached Carter's Farm League baseball team.  To those of you new to this term, it's basically a graduated version of t-ball.  The ball is harder, kids don't hit off a tee, and after the last batter EVERYONE still runs in.  Carter lives and breathes baseball and Bradley did an outstanding job teaching kids the importance of

picking your nose after the play is made.  All jokes aside, all of the kids made improvements and we were turning double plays by the end of the season.  When he wasn't at Carter's games or holding practice (a bit of an overachiever for farm league) he attended all of Miles's t-ball games.  Most of the time this involved trying to keep ourselves awake while watching Miles socialize.

Capitalizing on his eldest son's love of baseball and his youngest son's love of anything else his brother loves, Bradley took us all to a baseball game for his birthday.  Was walking around the crowded streets of San Francisco and paying the high cost of a hotel room really what he wanted to do for his birthday?  Not really.  Was the overly priced and improperly labeled Brazilian streakhouse/buffet really what he wanted to eat?  Absolutely not.  Did he really want to forgo that second beer at 21st Amendment Brewery in order to make sure our boys were FIRST in line for entrance into the park in order to have a shot at autographs what he really wanted to do?  Definitely not.  But he does it.  Time after time after time.

I have a really stressful job and two young kids.  I also try to keep my fitness up and like to be able to eat off of my floors.  It all works because I have the most supportive husband in the world.  On top of the school year ending we also hosted a retirement party for a beloved teacher and had over 70 people at our home.  Not to toot our own horns, but our home look fucking fantastic.  It was all due to my main man.  He worked at 6am on the projects, stayed out with his headlamp, and used all of his extra cash to pay someone to stand around for 100+ hours on a hot water pressure washer.  That's a whole other blog.  .  .  All in between coaching and working at his own stressful and demanding job.

To top it all off, he's supported me in training for a marathon over the last two months.  This has involved finding me in the dark with a dead cell phone.  He loaded the boys up in the truck when he couldn't reach me and traced all of the Valley roads until he found me.  He then supported me when I told him I was invited to run a marathon in Skagway, Alaska with two friends.  He's never even been to Alaska.  He's the manliest man I know.  HE DESERVES to go.  I went, I ran, I won, I set a course record, and he rocked it as a single parent.  He took the boys fishing, did three loads of laundry, mowed the lawns, AANNNDDD cleaned the floors.  When I got home at midnight he was waiting for me with a big smile and hug.

Guess what?  I'm leaving AGAIN this weekend to run a 212 mile relay with 11 of my friends.  I won't be back until mid-day on Father's Day.  What is he worried about?  Nothing.  I make an effort to make sure that there are enough meals prepared for all three of my boys when I'm gone, but that's about it.  He's already planned a mining adventure and which movie they'll rent.

Some people search their entire lives trying to meet someone who support them and loves them unconditionally.  Someone who holds them accountable and someone who loves them at their worst.  I must be the luckiest girl in the world because I met this person in preschool.  I fell in love with him in Jr. High and I married him nearly 11 years ago.  I pray that I never take him for granted.  On top of his love for me, he's an incredible father and his children adore him.  They told me what they wanted me to write in his Father's Day card and it was amazing.  "Thank you for always playing baseball and loving us dad!"

To all of you amazing Fathers out there!  Happy BirthmaFatherKwanzaDay!