Bradley and I enjoyed a weekend away with friends. We realized that it was the first time we had actually ridden a chairlift together in years. Our local chairlifts don't fit four and we are often paired off between kids. Just sitting next to each other in solitude for six to eight minutes was all we needed to get in the Valentine spirit.

The boys made their own Valentines for school. Carter chose to gift a SF Giants baseball card to each classmate and Miles opted for a Nose pencil sharpener. "Everyone Nose, I'd pick you Valentine!". Their choices were extremely characteristic of their personalities.
I made great efforts to plan special surprises around Valentine's Day. The kids awoke to a fully decorated table with gifts, and I made them pink heart shaped pancakes with sprinkles and strawberries cut into the shapes of hearts. Not so special you say? It was on a school day morning. Extra credit points for me. However, the best surprise for Valentine's Day came from our boys. They had both made Valentines for each other, Bradley, me, and even our dog Mary. The best part was that they hid them around the house and the surprises lasted all day because they couldn't recall their hiding spots.
The boys have hearts of gold and we are so blessed that they are our sons.
This weekend has been a mixture of snow, rain, and sunshine. In between skiing/boarding, playing baseball with friends, and tending to chores around the property, it's been delightful to be at home. It was a weekend of work and play, and the work would not have gotten done without the help of Carter. This soon to be eight year old used the four-wheeler to pick up the leftovers from fruit tree pruning, grape cuttings, and weeds. He used it to help clean out the chicken coop, hauled a load of wood to the porch, and transported scrap wood to the burn pile. If he wasn't on the four-wheeler he was out throwing a baseball to a rebound net, his brother, his dad, or a friend. Miles had a fever for part of the weekend, but truthfully his work ethic lacks in comparison to his brother. He did vacuum my car, wash my mats off, and assist with the chicken coop. Even if he's not the worker, he was the ringleader in the surprise Valentine's and genuinely aspires to do everything his brother does. Let's hope that he was watching closely to all of the work that his brother accomplished. I do know that he observes all that goes on around him. This morning he came running to the house to hand me two eggs from the coop and exclaimed, "Nice and warm momma, fresh right outta the chicken's booty!". At least he didn't choose to hide that surprise around the house and then forget where he hid it.
Here's to the coming of baseball season. May we love even more, work even harder, and never forget where we leave our surprises.