After all of the skiing that Carter and I did together last winter, I have realized how much I have missed it. It really is quite depressing to look at the webcams in summer conditions. Even the local lakes and rivers resemble streams.

Once inside Carter proceeded to bring in kindling to start the fire, empty the dishwasher, unload the dryer, and put the wash into the dryer. He also swept up by the fireplace and set the table for dinner. All without being asked. I will remind you that he's not even five yet. After dinner, Miles and Carter both cleared the table without being asked. In fact, Miles even relinquished his chocolate kiss in order to carry my plate to the sink. I am so blessed to have such wonderful sons. They really stepped up with daddy out of the house. I did not ask them, but they seemed to just know. Probably the best part of daddy's absence was the fact that they both got to share the bed with me.
Today Carter and I went on a bike ride together. A friend of mine gave me a "ride along", and Carter had a blast. In fact, we biked over five miles together. He and the extra bike add on about 100 pounds to my mountain bike and I promise you that it was quite the workout. Even with his little legs pedaling, those hills caused quite a sweat. I was sure he would be tired when we got home, but instead he helped rake the lawn and prune the fruit trees. While we were gone Miles helped Bradley get hay for Rocky the horse.
Bottom line, I appreciate my husband and my boys so incredibly much. To say that I love them is almost an understatement and not enough. I love them to the moon and back a million times, with every square millimeter of my heart. They amaze me in new ways every single day and I appreciate them so very much. In light of the upcoming holiday of love, we Mustache You to take time to show love to those around you.
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