The theme of Halloween this year was "Unthemed". In years past I've convinced the boys to coordinate their outfits with mine. One of the perks of working in K-5 public education is that you are annually guaranteed the opportunity to wear a Halloween costume. We've been crayons, pals from Toy Story, Peter Pan and friends, and superheroes twice. No dice this year. Elvis, a red Ninja Turtle, and Napoleon Dynamite. Although our costumes weren't coordinated, and we weren't able to make our annual trick or treating trip with our friends, the final outing of the evening found us at the Heffernans', sipping beverages on the porch of an old "spooky farmhouse" and watching kids run around in the dark. Unthemed and unplanned, but one of the best Halloweens in the books. I am thankful for these experiences and relationships which provide last family memories.

This past month I zipped down to San Fran for the weekend and ran the Nike Women's Half Marathon. I've been fitter and faster, but 125th out of 25,000 isn't too shabby. My former cross-country coach and I traveled together. We were able to spend much of the weekend with a former teammate as well. It never ceases to amaze me how running keeps people tied together. In fact, I also randomly met up with a runner who I had the privilege of coaching. This is the third time that we have randomly met at the finish line, and this year when I heard her say my name, it was as if I expected to hear it. I am grateful for these friendships.
Bradley spent much of the month cleaning up at my mom's house. She'll close escrow this week and he was an invaluable help in the final clean-up and move. At 70 years old, she's starting over again. I thank God every day for the man that I married. He always supports me, and believes in family.
Family photos were nearly painless last weekend. In fact, I think the only pain caused by the whole event is the self-criticisms created by me after viewing photos. Maybe by my 40th birthday I'll be able to let go of body image issues. I'm rather tired of packing them along. My lumps and bumps aside, we are very blessed to have a beautiful, HEALTHY, and loving family. My most valued treasures in the world are featured in those photos, and they don't care about my lumps and bumps. I am thankful for the unconditional love each of these three show to me.

I've created a bit of a monster out of our new dog Mary. Being half border collier and half terrier, she's a natural born runner. I can't sneak out of the house in the morning to lift weights or run without a very eager dog at my heels. It's been trial and error - we learned that a leash is needed in the mornings to avoid skunk spray. Nothing says professionalism, like smelling like a skunk/marijuanua harvest in your principal's office in a morning full of meetings. That was also the same morning that I backed into a trailer with my car and someone tracked dog poop into the house. Mary joined me on a ten miler this morning and was still frisky enough to terrorize the chickens when we got back. Even in the craziest of mornings, I am grateful for these experiences which make up life.
Here's to a month of continuing to find gratitude in all that we do. Gratitude for the unthemed, unplanned, the lumps and the bumps, and everything in between.
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