This last Wednesday Carter turned eight years old. Turth is, I feel that he's been eight for eight years. He's an uber-responsible and serious kid, who often worries way too often and never runs out of commentary. He loves his family, friends, and the San Francisco Giants. School comes easily to him and I am constantly thankful that he is intrinsically motivated to try his best. Carter loves baseball and the only time he's been called into my office was when he became too competitive on the playground. When he's not under our watchful eye, he is extremely caring and loving towards his brother.
This last week he awoke to presents wrapped in orange paper and a table decorated in MLB/Giants decor. I even managed to make orange panckes from scratch on a school day morning!
After batting practice it was on to Red Robin where the four of them were overserved Shirley Temples. Luckily, we headed straight to the trampoline park where they were able to burn off their sugar bender in some intense games of dodge-ball. They worked up an appetite again and once we filled our bellies the truck headed to the new Dick's Spring Goods/Field and Stream. Since all four boys live in Scott Valley, trips to these types of stores are few and far between. They were all armed with cash or gift cards and two hours later we emerged with a plethora of purchases. Two bats, one set of mobile bases, four bags of Big League Bubble Gum Chew, one baseball belt, four eye greasers, an orange hunting ensemble, batting gloves, sliding shorts with a cup, and two packs of baseball cards.
This afternoon he took part in his annual survey. This year he wanted to know what he said the year prior. This year there's a lot more orange and a lot more baseball, but many consistencies between his noted friendships and values.
Cheers to you Carter. Cheers to being eight, the number of your favorite baseball player. After all, eight is great.
Name: My name is Carter Bradley Isbell.
What is your favorite thing to do? Play baseball with my friends Wyatt and Finn, and help my dad with projects.
Who is your best friend? Miles and Wyatt and Finn Hilton.
Favorite Superhero? Spiderman.
Favorite Color? Orange
Favorite Toy? A baseball bat.
Favorite Food? Mac and Cheese, pork ribs, steak, french dip sandwiches, Mema's tacos, pizza
Favorite Drink? Shirley Temple
Perfect Day? Playing baseball.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A major league baseball and I want to work at Scott Valley Disposal with my dad.
What will you miss about being seven? I will miss first grade with Mrs. Dean.
What are you looking forward to about being eight? I look forward to playing Little League.
What are you really good at? I am good at playing baseball.
What are your chores? Cleaning the chicken coop, putting wood on the porch, doing the recycling, and feeding the animals on the weekends.
What makes a good person? A good person helps others, is kind, and says things that are nice.
Favorite thing to watch? Giants Baseball
What is your favorite thing about school? Playing baseball at recess and taking spelling tests.
Something you can work on? Not interrupting people.
Anything you'd like to add about yourself? My favorite Giant's player is Hunter Pence.
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