Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear Summer: Thanks for the memories!

Really the purpose of this post is to showcase some photos taken by our relative. With summer coming to a close, I have a bit of a heavy heart. Not only do I have to go back to work and leave my kiddos, but it means a change of routine. This summer I have probably spent more time in the garden than in the house, or on the road running. Bradley has a real passion for gardening and I am sheepishly ready to admit that perhaps I may have caught the bug. It wasn't until I saw her pictures and got rather weepy eyed that I realized how much I may have a passion for all of this too. As an individual I can get too caught up in the "process" of life, to sit back and look into what I have accomplished. As I look at these photos I have a sense of pride not only in the fruits of our labor, but in the life that Bradley and I have created for our family. Our kids are happy and healthy, our garden is abundant, and our lives are blessed. As another summer vacation closes and a new school year begins, for the first time in my life I think I am a little reluctant to welcome in fall, but rather surprised at my newfound passion for summer.

On a sidenote, in addition to our six family CSA, selling at the local Farmers' Market, and selling to local restaurants, we also have our own stand at Ray's Food Place in Fort Jones. "Fresh. Local. Sustainably Grown."

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Brothers, Botched Circs, and Bad Docs

Yesterday, out of the blue, Carter told me, "Momma, Baby Paul and Baby Miles are the best brothers in the whole whorold". I really couldn't believe that this comment came out of his mouth seeing as how just five minutes prior, he was trying to squeeze his brother's head off. Some minutes Carter dotes on Miles, and then within a few moments he will try another malicious act. Meanwhile, Miles will track Carter around the room, easily navigating any path Carter sets out on, which trust me, is rarely ever a straight line.

Carter recently had to have a minor corrective surgery up in Portland, Oregon. Let's just say that his first pediatrician, with the initials: DR. MARTIN YOUNG, of Southern Oregon Children and Adolescent Clinic, piece of sh**, mother-f**ker, screwed up his circ. when he was a baby. Poor Carter had to have the whole procedure redone, but this time around he had to be put under anesthesia, and has had to end his summer with no swimming, or straddling activities (ie his favorite activities: riding horses or bikes). Carter has handled the whole thing really well. I think it was more trying on us the parents or perhaps the grandparents, than anyone else.

Morally, I don't feel that I should have to pay for this second circ., seeing as how the first one was was REALLY wrong. After consulting with various lawyers who all said they couldn't try to get me my $2,000.00 back, (apparently malpractice cases aren't good for anything less than 30 grand) I decided that I would "professionally" handle the situation by calling the asshole's office myself and politely suggesting that he might morally and ethically feel obligated to either pay for the 2nd time around, or at least refund me our money from the first botched job. Would you believe that the office manager answered my inquiries by stating, "Well, ma'am we get these kind of phone calls about Dr. Young's circs ALL OF THE TIME". WTF?????

Looking on the bright side, it was a great trip to Portland because we got to spend time with my sister, her boyfriend, and my parents. Prior to his surgery we took Carter and Miles to the zoo, which was only made even better with a Peter Frampton concert right next to the elephants.

On another note, I think Miles may be the "messy brother". I am trying not to pin labels on anyone or put any of this energy out there, but he had rice cereal for the first time this week and it wasn't pretty. The encore to ingesting the rice cereal (fed to him by Carter), was the process of smearing it all over himself. We need someone to balance out Carter's need to have everything in order, clean and precise (I wonder where he gets that from:)), I guess that's why Carter knows that Miles is one of "the best brothers in the whole whorold".