Sunday, October 26, 2014

Two Heads are Better Than One!

It's been a month where Bradley and I both got to experience single parenting for a few days.  We've each had the kids on our own before overnight, but never with school age kids, who are playing "sports".  Come to find out, Bradley's not too great at remembering to feed the kids their lunch AND working the pumpkin patch at the same time.  I also failed when I got home in a rainstorm and realized I needed to place 60+ pumpkins for school kids AND our portable tent/canopy had been destroyed by said rainstorm.  Thank goodness my new principal colleague is pretty amazing, strong enough to dismantle portable canopies, and lives very close.

Backpacks, dinner, school folders, bathing, stories, bedtime, breakfast, packing snacks, making lunches, starting a fire, doing the chores - it's all a lot harder solo.  I know a lot of happily married people who survive just fine with a spouse who works away or odd hours, but I fail at this.  I need my husband.  I appreciate him.  However, when he's not here to do the early morning chores before we leave for school, I have a pretty awesome five year old.  Each morning Bradley was gone, Carter popped up right out of bed, slapped his headlamp on, and took off for the chickens, chicks, and the horse.  Rain, nor damp fog could deter this worker.  He even gave up his morning ritual of chocolate milk and iPad time on the couch.

Although we were both gone from each other, Bradley's trip was not for fun.  I however, got to participate in the Nike Women's Half Marathon in San Francisco.  Turns out, my new weight routine has paid off in the gym.  .  .  I beat out 26,850 other women.  Yep - 150th out of 27,000.  Chip timed and everything.  I could actually see Joan Benoit Samuelson and Shalene Flanagan from the start.  I take off this Friday to run the NYC marathon along with 50,000 other runners.  I'm not usually so self-indulgent/lucky.  The Nike was a fluke deal to get into, and NYC has been in the bag for two years.

We're closing the month out with the most successful pumpkin patch to date.  The boys have decorated their gingerbread haunted house, tried out the costumes, and carved their own pumpkins.  Funny how you own a pumpkin patch, but forget to pick your own kids' pumpkins until the last day.  Sorry guys.

This week will see the end of both soccer and the first quarter of the school year.  Time flies when you're having fun.  If your significant other is around to help that is.

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