Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cold temps and Nacho Cheese

For the first time ever in my educational career, Kindergarten - Principalship, I've had a week off at Thanksgiving.  Now that is something to really be thankful for!  Apart from going through every drawer and closet in the house, holding the fort down while Bradley had an eventful return from Colorado, going to Medford, organizing the largest Turkey Trot in history, decorating for Christmas, and deadheading flower beds, I've actually been able to enjoy this week with my children.  In the past, Thanksgiving break seems to be a bit of a blur.  Mostly likely because I cram all of the above activities into three short days instead of five.  Perhaps the most drastic change in the last few days has been the temperatures.  The week started off pretty warm, but after I managed to clear the lawns and clean the flower beds with the help of the kids, we've been in the teens and single digits consistently.  We were even blessed with a little snow.

Prior to Thanksgiving Break we took the boys and my mom down to Sacramento to watch the off-Broadway production of the musical Elf.  It was a magical experience and a great way to jump-start the holiday season.

Carter took third place in his age group in the 11th annual Turkey Trot.  This placing was his goal for the last two months because he wanted to earn the beanie.  I award a beanie to the top three finishers in each age category.  His age category is against Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders, and it is quite competitive.  Carter was pretty proud to come in third place to two second graders.  He ran the whole way on his own and the only mishap of the journey was losing the pom-pom on top of his San Francisco Giant's beanie.

In other competitive news, it was Carter's year to place the star on top of the tree, but the height was too much for him this year and Miles volunteered.  He was fearless and his daddy was strong.  Our annual Christmas tree hunting trip with the Hiltons was magical and cold. The boys sledded to their hearts content and the adults kept warm by hiking and taking in a few nips of Fireball.

Despite my love of organization and keeping ahead of the game, my most favorite part of my Thanksgiving break was perhaps the most unorganized.  Bradley and the boys decided to cook dinner.  The kitchen was a mess, and the homemade nacho cheese sauce was a bit spicy, but it was a perfect evening topped off with the movie version of Elf. 

As I look ahead into this holiday season I am excited by the pure joy in the boys' eyes, minds, and hearts.  Here's to keeping warm this holiday season, whether it be with Fireball, the love of family, or some spicy homemade nacho cheese.

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